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Fortress Mussel Control Systems are engineered with industrial-grade electrolysis processes to generate ionized solution using only water and electricity.  The ionized solution is injected at the entrance of your water intake resulting in an ultra low dose of ions, as low as 10 -15 ppb in your treated raw water.  Fortress Mussel Control Systems’ ions interfere with growth and development of mussels at all life stages; larvae, veligers, juvenile and adults.  Fortress Mussel Control Systems’ ions create inhospitable conditions prohibiting growth and settlement of Zebra/Quagga mussels and clams throughout your intake and raw water piping system.

“Copper ions generated by Fortress Mussel Control System were effective in causing adult mortality.  At the highest concentration tested (60 ppb) 100% mussel mortality occurred within 11 days…. There were no settled mussels in the 15, 30 or 60 ppb treatment.”

Fortress Mussel Control Systems Prevent Zebra & Quagga Mussels at All Stages; from Veligers to Adults Ensuring Full Protection

Veliger Inactivation

Positively charged ions produced by Fortress Mussel Control Systems bind to negatively charged sites and penetrate cell wall thereby poisoning cellular processes in veligers.

Pediveliger/Adult Mussel Inactivation

Pediveliger and adult mussels are sensitive to ultra low dose of ions produced by Fortress Mussel Control Systems.  The presence of ions in raw water creates inhospitable conditions causing mussels to stop feeding leading to death via starvation.

Prevention of Mussel Settlement

Fortress Mussel Control Systems’ ions denature proteins in byssal threads weakening mussels’ ability and strength to anchor.  Moreover, Fortress Mussel Control Systems’ ions coat interior surfaces of raw water pipes denying mussels a suitable surface for attachment and growth.

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